Saturday, October 20, 2018

Buddha Taught Compassion for the Animals

'Buddha and the Animals'

While I did kind of copy this depiction of the Buddha from something I saw online, I hope my message doesn't get lost.  Part of the lasting legacy that Buddha left behind was compassion for the animals.  If man sees himself as the pinnacle of evolution or creation, than he really is steward of the land.  That means, all plants and animals are for man's use, not for manipulating or abusing.

Some animals are for food, some are for pets, some are for work, and some are best left alone.  

Similarly, some plants are food, some are medicine, and others are poison.

This is how Buddhism and other spiritual paths concur with the bible.  Early in Genesis, God gives the commandment to 'be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth, and replenish it.'

To further explain this drawing, the buddha is serenely meditating in the middle, to his left is the elephant, and to his other side is an eagle coming straight towards the viewer.  Maybe I could have put more work into it and made it a fancier design, but I think you get it even without much detail.

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