Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Back in the Saddle Again

What I mean by this post's title is that I've decided I should make art and drawing my primary thing.  Music and Writing has gotten me a little bit, but if I stay in my chosen field of design and art, good things might happen.

I have a degree in digital design, and so I have a thorough education about art, drawing, aesthetics, and the revisionist process.  I'll still keep writing and music on the back burner, but I know art will be my career.

When creating art of any kind as a business, remember, the work is for the audience not for you.  Do what the people want or need.

So I'm back in the saddle as far as drawing goes.  My two main products will be books that involve illustration, and YouTube videos that include my artworks and music as a slide show.

The prognosis is good.

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