Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Art has Value

I got this quote from a guy who has a Youtube channel about how to get your writing published and make a living.  When he said, 'art' he means all types of creative work.  Art has value.  In other words, don't be shy or ashamed to ask for money for your art, music, writing, or anything else. 

In this era, making a living from creativity, or at  least having a side gig in creativity is more possible than ever.  That is a great thing about America, it may be cruel and harsh, but if you have talent, you can make it.  It's a lot like the jungle.  It's completely neutral like sport. 

The reason I am writing this post is to inform the people who read it about what I'm doing.  I will still post free works here on this blog, but I will also sell newer artworks on Etsy.  I've given away so much art, writing and music that its not right.

Art has value, and no one should work for free unless there's potential to be paid later.  So if you like, look at my stuff here.  But be aware I will soon be posting new works on Etsy.


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