Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Scribe Master Lao Shun

Lao Shun is a Chinese term which means 'most high'.  I'm joking.  Scribe Master Lao Shun sounds like a member of the Wu Tang Clan or a character in a Kung Fu Movie. 

I am a modern day scribe.  In Ancient Egypt, the first high civilization, scribes were of the highest level in society.  They weren't just keepers of knowledge and arcane arts.  They were both writers, scholars, historians, and artists.  Everyone in ancient Egyptian society wanted to be a scribe, but few had the talent.  Egypt was a high civilization, and invented science and religion, which where closely intertwined back then.

I would like to be a scribe, and going back to school is the best way to accomplish this goal.  I am an expert at design and communications, or drawing and writing in common language, and I possess a large body of knowledge which could be used to educate or make money.

My plan is to return to school in January, giving me the rest of 2019 to do as I please.  I will try to make more money, spend less, learn more online courses about art and digital marketing, and write on my artist site, blog, and here on this design blog, which I am not so active on anymore.

Money is not everything, but it is important if you want to advance your position in society.  Women want looks and money, and no one will marry someone who is poorer than they are.  Women want upward social mobility, it's in their evolutionary psychology.  If I want a good woman, I need to elevate myself.  The thing is, I don't want a boring job in an office.  I'd rather have a job I find fulfillment in, and can see myself doing day in and day out for twenty or thirty years.  The daily grind is the only way to accumulate wealth and family.

I am not doomed to a life of poverty and mediocrity.  I have talent, some followers, and the willingness to work daily.  I just need to get the degree and the exposure so people will be aware of what I have to offer.  I have a good future ahead of me. 

This next half year, until next year, will be a time of learning and preparation for the next phase of life.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hard Times

Clarksdale, Mississippi

The blues is the music of the hard times.  This artwork depicts, in a cartoonish way, a cotton farmer in the Delta looking at his handiwork and realizing there's a lot more work to be done.

Right now, I am doing two main things with my life.  I am playing delta blues music, releasing albums of original music on the internet, and copywriting about health and nutrition.  These are jobs that make me happy, use my knowledge and skill, and fulfill me on a deep level.  I know I'm not the best visual artist in the world.  

I've fallen on hard economic times.  I'm not starving, and I have enough income to cover gas, groceries, clothing, expenses, etc.... but I still live with my family and I am single with no kids.  I need to get economically stable before I can get on with life.  I have little ambition, but I know I want more money, more power, and more pleasure out of life.

My two talents are in the physical performance and the creative expression.  My music is stronger than my visual art.  And I've mastered martial arts, massage, and nutrition.  I'm a copywriter, and as a side gig I play and sing the blues.  That is my life for now.

If I want enough money to make a living, I need to educate myself on digital marketing, because the internet has changed the way the human race does business.  It is possible to make a sustainable living as a Creative Professional with the internet these days.  Copywriting, blogging, music albums, and live gigs can create income.  As of now, I have published one ebook and four albums online, they're all online and available to the public.

My music is on Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, and most other stores online.

My ebook, 'Sport and Physical Culture' a summary of all my wholistic health knowledge and a treatise on clean living, is available on Amazon.   

All I need to do is study more online courses, get more productive moving forward, and learn to reach as many people as possible.  The secret is the daily grind.  Doing a little bit every day, without fail.  Every day, do something, in this way, you accumulate results slowly but gradually.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Battlefield Earth

This is going to be a far reaching, all inclusive post and feature my three most recent art designs. 

Life is a battle.  Everything in life is a fight, even getting out of bed in the morning.  But you don't have to be angry, violent, or aggressive.  Life is hard enough.  Be gentle.

When I was young, before I started guitar or judo or chinese medicine, I liked fairy tales, mythology, kinghts with swords and armor, and fantasy movies.  I thought fighting was cool.  It was later I found out fighting involves loss, and loss hurts.  So I stopped liking battlefield warfare and started liking non lethal combat sports like boxing and judo.  At least you don't die if you lose.  There's always next time.

A lot of my imagination was shaped by young adult mythology books at the local library, which I still visit from time to time.  It's free entertainment and knowledge. 

I especially like Celtic, Scandinavian, and Hindu Mythology.  As well, I am fascinated by the shamans of Mexico. 

Below are three recent artworks, done in 6 by 6 inch fashion, regarding battlefield skills and tactics. 


The King Departing


The first is called Jousting and portrays two knights doing a tournament for the entertainment of the king and queen of the nation.  The second is called The King Departing, implying the king is going on an expedition or journey and the friars are praying for his success and return.  And the third design is called Sambo, and portrays a sambo wrestler shooting a single leg pick against a rugged opponent.  Sambo is a battlefield skill, and the Russians value military service and judo.

So this is the direction my art has gone in the past couple of days.  I've been fantasizing about mythology, warfare, sambo, and my past, when I was young and didn't know much about reality.