Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Scribe Master Lao Shun

Lao Shun is a Chinese term which means 'most high'.  I'm joking.  Scribe Master Lao Shun sounds like a member of the Wu Tang Clan or a character in a Kung Fu Movie. 

I am a modern day scribe.  In Ancient Egypt, the first high civilization, scribes were of the highest level in society.  They weren't just keepers of knowledge and arcane arts.  They were both writers, scholars, historians, and artists.  Everyone in ancient Egyptian society wanted to be a scribe, but few had the talent.  Egypt was a high civilization, and invented science and religion, which where closely intertwined back then.

I would like to be a scribe, and going back to school is the best way to accomplish this goal.  I am an expert at design and communications, or drawing and writing in common language, and I possess a large body of knowledge which could be used to educate or make money.

My plan is to return to school in January, giving me the rest of 2019 to do as I please.  I will try to make more money, spend less, learn more online courses about art and digital marketing, and write on my artist site, blog, and here on this design blog, which I am not so active on anymore.

Money is not everything, but it is important if you want to advance your position in society.  Women want looks and money, and no one will marry someone who is poorer than they are.  Women want upward social mobility, it's in their evolutionary psychology.  If I want a good woman, I need to elevate myself.  The thing is, I don't want a boring job in an office.  I'd rather have a job I find fulfillment in, and can see myself doing day in and day out for twenty or thirty years.  The daily grind is the only way to accumulate wealth and family.

I am not doomed to a life of poverty and mediocrity.  I have talent, some followers, and the willingness to work daily.  I just need to get the degree and the exposure so people will be aware of what I have to offer.  I have a good future ahead of me. 

This next half year, until next year, will be a time of learning and preparation for the next phase of life.

1 comment:

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