Thursday, May 2, 2019

A New Theme to My Art

Adam and Eve

Celtic Cemetery

Overlooking the World

Buddhist Portrait

I've been doing more line art lately, from imagination, and addressing judeochristian, mythological, and Buddhist themes in my art.  I've been using a ballpoint black pen to ink my drawings, not a black marker, so the lines are finer and less bulky.

Adam and Eve depicts the original hamitic negro couple in the Garden of Eden, after they took from the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked.  They are depicted wearing coverings made of fig leaves.

The Celtic Cemetery is made from a reference photo in a book on Celtic art I got at the library.  It depicts a large grave with a Celtic cross on it.  The Irish preserved a lot of pagan and European myth and culture during the time of the dark ages when Christianity threatened to wipe out all of Europe's rich culture.

Overlooking the World is my vision of God overlooking his creation, the one planet where there is life and reproduction through sex, through the meeting of male and female, which is unique to this world.  The original meaning of life was that Adam and Eve would live in paradise, giving rise ot perfect immortal offspring that had no need for money, would never grow old, sick, and die, and could live carefree in an idyllic paradise eating fruit and seed.  But we lost that.

The last artowrk, which I call Buddhist Portrait, depicts a buddhist holy man or saddhu sitting in yogic pose, surrounded by a fiery halo and the heads of a leopard and elephant.  It is more symbolic, and it portrays the qualities of a buddhist sage, monk, or holy man and his spirit animals.

As I practice more art this summer, my art will improve, and I will constantly invest more time and effort into drawing, designing, and Photoshop.  I plan on making tremendous progress with the Summer of 2019.

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