Friday, August 31, 2018

Finishing off the Summer 2018

Here are a couple of images I created over the course of this week.  I just want to end this summer on a good note.  I was very productive this summer, as far as design, music, and writing is concerned.


Back Door

See you in September!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Here is a simple graphic design, and an explanation on how I did it.

I did this artwork with great diligence, and yet, at the same time I was having so much fun drawing and inking it that I didn't pay attention to time.

Street Scene in Village

I know it's only black and white, and you can still see some faint vanishing lines towards the horizon, but overall I am satisfied with this composition.  First, I made the background, a street in a small village, and then I made the pedestrian separate.  I uploaded the two images in Photoshop and placed the character over the background design.

Notice that this image uses single point perspective, something I learned in art school, and that things get smaller as they get farther away.  Hope you like my work, and this is only the first of many complete compositions. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018


The only artist I can think of off the top of my head is Roy Lichtenstein.  I've seen some of his works in art history books and then I purchased a book exclusively dedicated to him at the bookstore.  What I like about his art was how he elevated comics and scenes that look like comics to a higher artform.

My visual style and aesthetic comes from my unique look on the world, and the overall simplicity is because I am fundamentally a youthful spirit inside an aging body.

Here are two works I've posted before, both based on something I saw in a book.

Jet Fighter


I need to move on and develop my own style, which is slowly happening anyway.  But the mood I am trying to evoke is one of simple beauty and purity of minimalism.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Keep It Simple

I came to the conclusion that not every art design needs to be done with a digital program like Photoshop or Illustrator.  For ease of use and peace of mind, simply take a pencil and paper sketch and ink it with a black marker.  That's how I created the two works below.

The first one I call, 'Robot Invasion' and the second one I call 'Tree of Life'.  Both were just pencil sketches I inked with a black marker.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What's been going on lately...

Lately, I've been exploring many different creative avenues, besides just drawing and illustration.  But it seems like my music is getting stale and my writing focuses on the same subjects over and over again. 

Physical exercise is important for everyone, but for me, I find it essential to keep motivated to create more work.

I've decided to not show all my works here on this blog, but rather just a select few based on what I am doing at the moment.  I don't have to show my whole catalog online for free.

Here is one I call, 'Yoga Man' and it is actually a reworking of a previous design.  I know the yogi is a bit off center to the left, but that is fine by me.  Flaws and imperfections make someone more beautiful, not less.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

An updated version of one of my recently published works

In the design business or industry, one must make many revisions to each design before it is a complete and final work.  Also, every designer must constantly strive to improve his skills as an artist and designer.  That's what I'm trying to do.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Previously Unreleased

Lately, I've been laying off the art and concentrating on the music.  However, there is a couple of pictures I've never shared before.  Here they are.


Good Food

The Pugilists