Thursday, May 9, 2019

TCM Theory

Meridian Man

I went to TCM school and got a Master's Degree and a Professional License.  I understand Oriental Physiology, Taoist Philosophy, Nutrition, Tai Chi, and Microbiology.  Traditional Chinese Medicine and Wholistic Medicine has a wealth of knowledge to offer both the Doctor and the common man alike.  But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Not getting sick in the first place is better than eastern or western intervention.

TCM used to be called Taoist Medicine because it is based on the polarity, or yin yang theory, of the Ancient Mongolian and Chinese shamans.  It is more complicated than that, but that is the essence.  It is allopathic.  We give to those who have too little and take from those who have too much.  That is similar to the theoretical standpoint of Western Medicine.  But in practice they differ.

Western medicine is rooted in the Renaissance studies of human anatomy, the rebirth of Ancient Greek Science, cadaver studies, and the birth of modern science.  Eastern medicine is based on empirical observation, the stored wisdom of thousands of Chinese people and hundreds of their generations, and the revelations of Taoist Shamans, direct from Heaven.  Empirical Science and Reductionist Science are both sciences, but they are not the only ones.  There is science, there is religion, and then there is reality.  And reality is better than science or religion.

Reductionist science is similar to Platonic metaphysics, the idea or notion precedes the real world evidence.  Empirical science is similar to Aristotle.  He observes the world fairly and impartially, and concludes what he thinks based on his actual observation and experience.  Aristotle is based on real life experience.

So many generations of Chinese people have come and gone, they've seen it all, and fair-minded people like doctors and wizards have observed what actually works well and what doesn't.  So TCM is based on reality and Western Medicine is based on theories and scientific experiments.

I would trust the real world experiences of many generations of Chinese people and not a scientific theory or experiment that doesn't really help in real life scenarios.

In this design, a perfect meridian man shows the conception vessel running down his front line.  The center line is the main theory of Chinese Medicine and martial arts.  The spine is the main part of the human being and what makes us able to walk upright on two feet not four like an ape or dog.  If you control the center line, you control the man.  In Muay Thai, the standing neck clinch allows for the use of knee and elbow strikes.

In the design, the man is on the backdrop of the yin/yang symbol, and one arrow goes up to heaven, the other down to earth.  Yin rises up and Yang descends to the low.  But one creates the other.  There is no better or worse, one depends on the other for existence and one will transform into the other eventually.  The only real duality is male and female, and males have a preponderance of yang, and females have a preponderance of yin.  God is balanced in masculine and feminine qualities.  

So if you want to be healthy and normal, balance masucline and feminine forces within you.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Prophet by the Stream

The Prophet by the Stream

I've returned to color designs with a vengeance.  This design is simple, but showcases some of my most unique drawing characteristics.  The figure or character design is simple and elegant.  The colors are bright and solid.  Perspective is implied.  And there is efficiency in denoting detail with as few lines as possible.

This scene depicts a biblical prophet with a staff by a stream issuing forth from a mountain pass.  There's not much to say about it.  Enjoy.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

A New Theme to My Art

Adam and Eve

Celtic Cemetery

Overlooking the World

Buddhist Portrait

I've been doing more line art lately, from imagination, and addressing judeochristian, mythological, and Buddhist themes in my art.  I've been using a ballpoint black pen to ink my drawings, not a black marker, so the lines are finer and less bulky.

Adam and Eve depicts the original hamitic negro couple in the Garden of Eden, after they took from the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked.  They are depicted wearing coverings made of fig leaves.

The Celtic Cemetery is made from a reference photo in a book on Celtic art I got at the library.  It depicts a large grave with a Celtic cross on it.  The Irish preserved a lot of pagan and European myth and culture during the time of the dark ages when Christianity threatened to wipe out all of Europe's rich culture.

Overlooking the World is my vision of God overlooking his creation, the one planet where there is life and reproduction through sex, through the meeting of male and female, which is unique to this world.  The original meaning of life was that Adam and Eve would live in paradise, giving rise ot perfect immortal offspring that had no need for money, would never grow old, sick, and die, and could live carefree in an idyllic paradise eating fruit and seed.  But we lost that.

The last artowrk, which I call Buddhist Portrait, depicts a buddhist holy man or saddhu sitting in yogic pose, surrounded by a fiery halo and the heads of a leopard and elephant.  It is more symbolic, and it portrays the qualities of a buddhist sage, monk, or holy man and his spirit animals.

As I practice more art this summer, my art will improve, and I will constantly invest more time and effort into drawing, designing, and Photoshop.  I plan on making tremendous progress with the Summer of 2019.