Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Catching up with Art

Here below are two artworks I did recently.  I even posted them to facebook and to pinterest (which I just started using yesterday).

'Young Wrestler'

'Elephant Alone'

I did these two works in black and white for a plethora of reasons.  First of all, I like black and white art because it seems more 'real' (which is counterintuitive but true).  Also, I don't want to be tied down to Photoshop to make art.  Art should create a tangible result, not just an image on a screen.  And lastly, it's just too damn expensive to rent Photoshop from Adobe Creative Cloud monthly without a contract.  Maybe I should just buy the whole program, Adobe Photoshop CC upfront and forget about monthly subscriptions.

Anyway, these are two excellent pieces with a lot of potential.  Every design I make brings me closer to my goal, which is to combine cartooning, wholistic medicine, storytelling, and shamanism into one coherent entity.  

My current goal for the next two months is to create a comic book about shamanism and how food comes from the earth.  But it won't be easy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Serpent and the Rainbow

Even at high levels of academia, scholars and teachers overlook the significance of art, religion, and even the daily habits of people from central and south America as well as the Caribbean.  This part of the world is rich in culture and tradition, and has given the world a lot of art, music, and literature.

Even their diet and food customs have influenced those in the USA and through them to the entire world. 

Voodoo is not a system of black magic designed to harness ungodly forces and hurt people.  Voodoo is a religion, a syncretic one that combines elements of Catholicism and the original beliefs and myths of Western Africa, especially the Yoruba people.

I have always been inspired by the art of this part of the world, and I fondly remember reading a book on Haitian artists and their rustic, simple style.

There was a book called, 'The Serpent and the Rainbow' written by an acclaimed Harvard author.  It goes deeper than just a reference to a sea snake and light refracting into individual colors.

The serpent represents the primordial being from which all beings descended from, and the rainbow symbolizes the light, white light refracts into all the colors known to man.  That's all that existed in the beginning, the light of God passing over the primordial chaos (the waters) and the sea serpent, the first to live.  What I just did was harmonize the beginning of time according to the Hebrew Bible and to what people commonly know, that all life originated in the seas.

There's no better summary of what Voodoo practitioners believe than that.  'The Serpent and the Rainbow'.  Interestingly enough, I once had a job interview where I mentioned to the employer (who was educated and aware) that South America, Africa, and even Ancient China practiced shamanic culture from the very beginning until now.

There are some concepts and lessons of life that cannot be written or read from a book.  Some things you have to experience for yourself.  Direct experience of the divine is called 'mysticism'.  No human was there at the beginning, so no one can say for sure what really happened.  Only the Bible and other holy books indicate what happened in the beginning.

But to more clearly illustrate what Voodoo, or it's other variants in different parts of the Caribbean and Latin America are called (such as Macumba, Santeria, Candomble, and Louisiana Voodou) I will explain.

Voodoo believers believe in one high God similar to the God of Israel.  They believe that God created the universe,the world, and the human race.  However, God is so lofty and high above that he doesnt interfere much in the lives of mortals.  Voodoo people call God Bondye (Bon which means good and Dye or Deus which means God).Good God doesn't interfere with life on earth, so people have to think for themselves and rely on the intervention of the angels.

In Voodoo, there is a large pantheon of saints and angels who deeply care about humanity.  The main thing in Voodoo is that good luck and favor can be won by pleasing the angels and spirits (called Loa in most parts of the Caribbean).  This is very similar to Catholicism.

Voodoo people also believe in reincarnation, and that souls know each other birth after birth, and often reincarnate amongst each other generation after generation.  Your brother in one lifetime might be your grandson in another.

The primary practice of Voodoo is animal sacrifice, music and dancing, calling upon the Loa for spiritism and possession.  These seem barbaric and simple to us now, but the Ancient Hebrews did largely the same thing in the past.

My point in general about Voodoo is that not everything intangible is hogwash, we're all descendents of one divine being, that reincarnation is known by simple people let alone sophisticated people, and that there is a Creator God and a sense of justice in this life and the next.

So all in all, not much has really changed.

In future works, I will try to depict religious/spiritual/mystical beliefs in my art.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

What to do with all this artwork and writing

I'm coming to a clearer understanding of myself and a more realistic world view.

First of all, most people are not enjoying their lives to the fullest.  Most people in this part of the world have full time jobs, spouses, children, and a ton of responsibilities.  That means, they practically have no free time to do something joyous, educational, or fun.

I on the other hand, enjoy a lot of free time and lead a very spontaneous, joyful existence.  I have no wife, no children, no full time job, and no responsibilities.  Buddhism teaches you that you can attain enlightenment and enduring happiness without money, women, status, and power.  To illustrate this point, there is a Buddhist saying, 'at the gates of the miserable millionare lives a contented beggar.'

Happiness comes from internal mind states, not external circumstances.  You have very little power to change outside phenomena, but you have total control over your mind, emotions, thoughts, dreams, and attitude.  Sometimes intangible things are more valuable than people or possessions. 

I've decided in regards to my creativity to focus mostly on visual art.  I have a graphic design diploma and so, I am well versed in art theory and aesthetics.  I also enjoy art very much, and I'd do it regardless of whether I'm paid for it or not.

My main priority is to stay healthy.  Health is the first thing, before money and a lover.  If you are not physically able and healthy, you really can't enjoy life.  And that is what God wants us to have, to have joy in everything we do, both in this world and the next.

I know I'll never make a killing in the stockmarket, so I'll never be rich, but on the other hand, I need income from my talents just to survive.  And so, the message is, I will reserve my best works for sale on etsy, great works I find more special than others on my portfolio, and less sentimentally valuable works for this blog. 

I hope you understand me, gentle reader, I am only doing what is best for myself.  That's natural to put yourself first. 

'Judgement in the Underworld'

This is a drawing I had in my sketchbook for years but only recently scanned it and colored it.  It has an Egyptian motif to it since it represents Osiris, the lord of the dead, judging a recently deceased soul by weighing his heart against the feather of truth.

Obviously, this is all primitive mythology and is not real.  There essentially is no hellfire or underworld, and the Creator doesn't want to judge or torture any of his children (you and I).  When I was young, I used to go to the library a lot and read young adult mythology. I quickly noticed some reoccuring themes in  mythology, and saw how even the JudeoChristian bible is essentially a myth that some people take literally.

This is the kind of work I consider good, but not good enough by my understanding to sell on etsy or include in my portfolio.  It is still a beatiful work with a rich story to it.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Look at the Dark Side

'Dead Trees'

This artwork is from a month ago, and I never shared it because I thought it was useless and unworkable.  But now that time has passed, I see the value of it and the value of dark, gloomy artworks.

Of course, we live in a society where practically all art and music created is dark and disturbing, and in comparison, my art seems naive and optimistic at times.  But that is part of the charm of this art.  It is otherworldly, simple, and benevolent.  

So the black to white gradient in the background, and the dying trees, and the off color sun actually creates a gloomy mood but not too gloomy.  
