Saturday, November 16, 2019

Glorious Return

I haven't written in this blog in a long time.  I have decided that art is not my main vocation.  My graphic diploma helps me design art for books and albums, but it is not my main thing.  I am not a graphic designer.  But my education was not a waste.

As time goes on, I will spend more time doing what I've been doing all my life.  I have been playing music for 25 years and grappling for over 20 years.  I could be teaching music and Aikido, and the art just supplements what I already know.

The reality is, you only learn by doing.  Stuff you learn didacticly in a University is not real knowledge.  You are regurtitating what others have said to you.  Anything in life, including judo, is theory and practice. First learn the theory, then get involved in doing, and then put the theory into practice.  It is only after you are tested that you value what the instructors have taught you.

In my experiences, I have mastered music, judo, and home cooking.  I possess a lot of skill with English and computers.  I could use my knowledge in a more advantageous way to create an income and gain popularity.  Knowing this, I will write more ebooks, publish more albums, and get involved in martial arts again.  My scholastic education in acupuncture and graphic design didn't help me.  Book learnin' doesn't work.

So knowing this, I will draw less and do what I am good at more.  I have made money in the past two years in copywriting, design,and music, and this trend will continue.  But I know my art is limited and I've only been doing it a short time.  If I want to be succesful, I need to do what I am good at and get paid for it.  So I am returning to this blog to inform whoever is out there in internet land that I am not focusing on the design or even the acupuncture but using what I actually know and not what I think I know.

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