Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Other artworks (not here yet)

Recently, I did an artwork of a cat for a friend's mother whose cat passed away of cancer.  I gave the artwork for no cost, but I felt proud in the sense that I did a 'commissioned artwork' for free.  I created art for someone else's needs not my own.

Also, I have an artwork in the works based on a photo a friend sent to me on Facebook.  It is a landscape of a schoolyard taken out of a window.  I call it 'Chloe's Window'.  I have pencilled it and inked it but haven't colored it yet.  I will post it on this blog when I am done.

Recently, I renewed my subscription to Photoshop.  It will give me a chance to color many artworks in 2019.  Looking forward to a career in art.  I have a lot to give.

Friday, January 25, 2019

An Epiphany

To beat the system, you got to work with the system.

Life is hard.  It's all about the daily grind.  Surviving and making money to buy the necessities.  But if you find a job or livelihood that you enjoy, then the tragedy doesn't have to be so tragic.

The only get rich quick scheme there is is to do you're passion in youth, get educated and an official degree in the subject, and work a little bit every day on your projects.

The results come gradually, but remember, the journey is the reward, and the chaos of it is the fun part.

'Lions of Judeah'

This is an artwork that has special meaning to me.  It is rich with Jewish symbolism and my father was a jew.  So I am a descendant of Abraham.  I plan on doing all kinds of art in 2019, but Judaica has special meaning to me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Where Have You Been?

I haven't posted on this blog in a while.  I haven't even made art in a while.

But I am not quitting.  As 2019 is upon us, I am strategically planning what to do with this entire year and how to further my art career.  One way is to further my education by taking classes on painting and photography.

Another is getting access to Photoshop for a whole year, which I have already done.

And still another is my professional art website, www.lioravnidesignwriter.com which showcases my designs for sale, has it's own blog, and has lots of other useful features this site doesn't have.

So the prognosis is good.  I hope to revive this particular blog because it has a high visibility compared to other things I have done.  That in turn can draw people to my professional site which may lead to a sale.  Business is warfare, and it takes strategic thinking. 

So since this is throwback Thursday, I will leave you with an oldie but goodie.


This is inspired by a Roy Lichtenstein work I found in a book about his art.  I colored it, unlike the original which is in grayscale.  I like to think the sun emerging from behind the land shows a new dawn, and therefore new potential for a new day.  2019 will be a new day.

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Shaman's Drum

'Shaman Playing Drum'

This drawing is based on a wood-engravement from the late 1700's.  When the Europeans came to the Americas around that time, they found the practice of the medicine men, or shamans to be most unique.

I saw this engraving years ago and then I found it last night on a Google Images search.  It reminds me of the past and what I've read and thought about shamans.  At one time priest, magician, and healer, these enigmatic leaders wore many hats.  They did a lot of different things at the same time.

I hope, with future works and entries, to explore this theme, but rather than depicting the shamans, I want to actually translate their experiences into images.  And that means I have to experience more things myself.  

There's a number of ways to do that, but I will figure it out for myself.