Friday, January 25, 2019

An Epiphany

To beat the system, you got to work with the system.

Life is hard.  It's all about the daily grind.  Surviving and making money to buy the necessities.  But if you find a job or livelihood that you enjoy, then the tragedy doesn't have to be so tragic.

The only get rich quick scheme there is is to do you're passion in youth, get educated and an official degree in the subject, and work a little bit every day on your projects.

The results come gradually, but remember, the journey is the reward, and the chaos of it is the fun part.

'Lions of Judeah'

This is an artwork that has special meaning to me.  It is rich with Jewish symbolism and my father was a jew.  So I am a descendant of Abraham.  I plan on doing all kinds of art in 2019, but Judaica has special meaning to me.

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