Sunday, September 23, 2018

Poems in Pictures, and Pictures in Poems

I have an endless supply of inspiration because there are always more photos on the internet.  Just Google your chosen subject and look under Images, and you will find dozens of photos to use as a guide to your drawings.

Here is something I made today.  I know it's simple and imperfect, but it's mine.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Some more where that came from...

I actually did 3 artworks within the last 24 hours.  The village scene I had done a couple of years ago in my journal, and now that I've made a full size line art, I realize how similar it is to the work from August 27 2018.  Its as if the image was in my subconscious, and now I have two eerily similar works.

Here is an image of a holy man meditating.  I drew it from imagination.

The lines emanating from him is spirit power.

I hope people who see this blog appreciate my art.

The Essential Education

When most people think about physical education, they remember high school and being really bad at basketball or volleyball.  And when most people think about combat or self defense, they think about karate and MMA. 

But Judo is special.  It is both a system of self realization, a type of exercise or recreation, and useful in different self defense situations.  It really is a -do (like Dao in China, the Way) and yet it is the foundation of everything else.

Here below is my interpretation of something I saw in a google images search.  Enjoy.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Back in the Saddle

Lately, I've been obsessed and thinking back on my years training judo (and some sambo).  Sambo, which to the uninitiated is a sport that combines elements of wrestling and judo, has always gripped my imagination ever since I first saw it.  My dad said, sambo is Russia's sport tradition.

I created this art work because it makes me happy.  The only thing I didn't realize is that my scanner didn't pick up on the colors, so it is in grayscale. 

I figure, if I'm not in shape to be an athlete, I can still explore my obsession with martial arts through drawing. 

Where am I?

I haven't been posting on this blog for the past week and a half because I haven't been doing art.  My inspiration will return, but for now my well is dry and I'm trying to get over this artist's block. 

I realize what I got to do in life and now I got to put the theory into practice. 

By the way, I've found that online courses are cheap and you can learn new skills quite easily.  It's not the degree that matters but rather the skills you have. 

Keep your eye on my blog until I start creating again.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Trying something new...

I did a nice work earlier today. 
By the Aqueduct

It is based on a work done in 1806 by an artist named John Sell Cotman.  My rendition is different enough to consider it one of my own.

Unlike most of my works, this one shows the beginning of shading and light and even a watery reflection.  Hope everyone who sees my blog is entertained and informed by it.

I'm constantly trying to improve my drawing skill and I've made progress over the summer.  And there's always inspiration everywhere.

Indian Summer

It's been almost a week since posting something on this blog, so here are three works I both feel proud of and have been uploaded elsewhere at sites like facebook and instagram. 

Home in Argentina

Charlie on Sofa

Back Door

The last one has been posted already, it was the last one I uploaded in the month of August.  But the one of my dog on the couch I did as an interpretation of my own environment over the weekend.  The first one, of the Home in Argentina, I did based on a photo I saw in a Google search.  

The thing is with art and design, you're always learning and you're always seeing new things with the trained eye of an artist.  Like a quote from Shakespeare, 'there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.'  That means to me that reality will always beat fantasy, and there is beauty everywhere but not everyone sees it.