Thursday, September 6, 2018

Indian Summer

It's been almost a week since posting something on this blog, so here are three works I both feel proud of and have been uploaded elsewhere at sites like facebook and instagram. 

Home in Argentina

Charlie on Sofa

Back Door

The last one has been posted already, it was the last one I uploaded in the month of August.  But the one of my dog on the couch I did as an interpretation of my own environment over the weekend.  The first one, of the Home in Argentina, I did based on a photo I saw in a Google search.  

The thing is with art and design, you're always learning and you're always seeing new things with the trained eye of an artist.  Like a quote from Shakespeare, 'there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.'  That means to me that reality will always beat fantasy, and there is beauty everywhere but not everyone sees it.

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