Wednesday, June 26, 2019

An Asian Motif

A lot of my work is influenced by Asian culture.  I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine when I was young, I have an acupuncture license, and I have a master's degree in acupuncture.  I know a lot about karate, judo, taoist philosophy, nutrition, longevity, and massage.

Even the way I do art is influenced by japanese comics, also known as manga.  I sketch first in pencil and paper, then I ink the drawing by hand with a black pen, I then scan the image into the computer, and color it with Photoshop.  This is traditional for manga.  Photoshop has been around a long time.

Lately, I've been exploring themes in my art.  Themes like zen, kung fu, work, women, and other things that deal with real life, not fantasy.  Reality trumps fantasy any day, even though it doesn't look as good. 

Here are a few recent works. 

Building Blocks

Man and Donkey

NYC Subway

Sparring at the Shaolin Temple

These are artworks done in a comic book/children's book/cartoon way, but deal with adult subjects and adult themes.  This is what I'm striving for.  To tell a story visually.  I like east Asian culture, but I am not obsessed with it.  It is merely an advanced culture, and because of my acupuncture education early on in life, it has left a lasting imprint on my mind.

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