Friday, April 17, 2020

There's Nothing Wrong With Sex

This post might be controversial to some, but I must air my beliefs.  The first commandment in the bible is be fruitful and multiply.  Sex is ideally for procreation, but it is also fun, healthy, and strengthens the bond between a man and woman.  It is not just for procreation.  In fact, one might say the love between a man and woman is the only right thing about life in this world.

These days, women are more promiscuous than ever.  They are less Christian, so they are all giving away their sex for various prices.  Very few women are traditional and wait for marriage.  Premarital sex is not a sin, it is the best part of life.  Some religious people say, 'all premarital sex is prostitution'.  But I say, 'what is wrong with prostitution?'.  In an ideal world, masturbation is for the shower and sex is for marriage.  But we don't live in an ideal world.  We live in the real world, and the real world is about money and women.

The promise of both Judaism and Christianity is that the devil will be defeated and Paradise will be restored once again.  But until those times, we must live in the world.  Deal with it.  No woman after high school age has sex for free.  All sex is paid for.  You can buy sex, you cannot buy love.  Love is an emotion.

I am a type of Hispanic Jew but I am influenced by the Baghavad Gita and the Yogic lifestyle.  To this day, there are Temple Prostitutes in India.  But Temple Prostitution died out in Europe in the middle ages.  There seems to be a hypocrisy in Christianity not found in other religions.

Every Buddhist knows the only fornication is group sex and adultery.  One Man and One Woman can do whatever they please with each other, even if they are not married and not in a relationship.  The only downside to promiscuity is the possibility of unwanted pregnancy or disease.  But there are precautions you can take.  A doctor sees food and sex more as a matter of biology and less of morality.  There is no morality in nature.  Animals are fair, neutral, impartial, and above all full of kindness.

Obviously, one should date many partners until one finds the one you want to settle down with.  Once you are married, then you are monogamous until you die.  That is how serious marriage is.  It is for the rest of your life.  Right now, I am on a low budget so I don't seem attractive to most women.  Most women wants looks and money or you are not a contender.  But I am waiting to marry the right girl.  Until then, I will fulfill my biological needs without morality and hypocrisy and insolence. 

There is nothing wrong with sex.  A real man is moderate in food, knows self defense but avoids violence, and seeks out many partners until he finds the right one to settle down with.  This world seems to be diseased to me.  There is nothing right with it.  I seem to be the most morally good and I am considered a loser.  There is nothing right with the world.

So until I find my wife, I will have fun with poor, lower socioeconomic class women, play the guitar, hustle for money, cook my own food, draw, write, and enjoy life.  My life is simple but i am content with it.  So I am better off than a man who makes ten times as much money but has less power and pleasure and free time.  The point of life is to win salvation, and once you are enlightened, to share the teaching with others.  I attained enlightenment at a young age and I am here to tell you about it. 

Make love all day long.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Lowered Expectations

It has been over a month since I posted on this blog.  And in that 4 or 5 weeks, I have relocated to a different place to live.  I now live in an apartment with a roommate and feel much more privacy and independence than in my previous place. 

I decided I should blog on this particular blog again because it doesn't hurt me, doesn't cost me anything, and can only increase awareness of what I am doing.  I live comfortably on a low income and don't need a lot of extra income.  Money is not an issue in my life, I have enough.

The main thing in living a good life is to be happy and productive.  I am both.  Some people make three or four times as much money as me per month and are still dissatisfied with themselves and their lives.  Money cannot buy happiness.  It only buys worldly things and basic necessities.  You can be happy with a little or miserable with a lot.  So I choose to be happy with a little, what other option do I have?

Society in the USA is like a pyramid.  There are few at the top, a small middle class that keeps shrinking, a lot of working poor, and a lot on SSI, SSD, Welfare, and retirement benefits.  Poor people tend to be better people than rich people.  People get rich by learning business strategy, being miserly, being thrifty, and spending most of their waking hours doing a routine and not enjoying free time.  But the reality is, time is worth far more than money. 

My hours are worth more than 15 dollars per hour, and they are worth more than 100 dollars per hour.  They are priceless.  But I don't work an office job trading time for money.  I get money from the government and supplement it on the side with albums and books and other things. 

So I am happy with my lifestyle.  The only thing is, women choose men based on looks and money, and it is hard to find a good woman in a low socio-economic class.  But they are out there.  I've met some good women and some bad women in my life who are poor like me.  So I don't give up my search for love.  If a woman wants your time and not your money, she loves you. 

I know today is Easter Monday and it is an important holiday in the Christian religion.  But I am not a Christian.  I think Christianity had a great civilizing force on the world but is losing its strength now.  These are dark times.  We are approaching the end times, and each generation gets more big and strong and less tough and less moralistic.  There is some validity to JudeoChristian religion.  I am a type of Hispanic Jew and I love religion but I also love Zen and the martial arts.  Budo teaches you to be fair and impartial and have respect for all life.

So as 2020 goes on, I will learn to be happy with the bare minimum.  I like my apartment, I like my music, my writing, my food, and my exercise.  I long to share my life with a woman, and I think a lot of women who where in my life before.  The crux of life is birth, marriage, and death.  Marriage is the pinnacle of human life.  If you don't marry and have children, what did you do with your life?

I resolve to marry and have children.  I know I am not a contender for a working girl in the middle class or upper class.  But there are plenty of girls in the lower socioeconomic classes who are good and humble and attractive enough.  I've met a few good women in my life. 

So until I find my wife, I will play my music, eat my food, and try to improve myself in other ways besides money.  That includes health and fitness, and I must start walking and stretching.  Right now, I have 5 albums on YouTube and Spotify and 2 books on Amazon.  I know some people out there know who I am and what I am doing.  I see my songs get downloaded and my books get sold every so often.  So I contribute to society a lot, even though I am not rich.

The truth is, there is nothing right about the world.  The only good thing in life is love, and monogamy between a man and a woman is the best thing.  Celibacy doesn't lead to bliss and neither does promiscuity.  The process of living is unlearning evil.  So I will continue living and learning and correcting myself.