Monday, July 30, 2018

A link to some of my music

Beneath the Summer Moon

As well as being an artist, I am a blues musician.  I created an album recently and I think it's pretty good quality music so here above is a link to hear some of the clips from the album.  There's even a link to purchase the album or download tracks by clicking on the CDbaby link.  Hope you enjoy my sound.

My Lesser Known Works

Saturday, July 21, 2018

My New Video on Youtube

Today I've created a new video that showcases my best works lately and have a soundtrack of one of my songs from reverbnation.  Hope you like it.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A revision of one of my earlier works

'Lions of Judeah'

I felt unsatisfied with a very important work (at least to me).  I felt the lion on the right wasn't big enough, and the whole composition was off center.  So I used Photoshop to correct these flaws.  Hope you like it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Yesterday's project.

In a sketchbook from two or three years ago, I found a collection of drawings of farmers and fieldworkers wearing yellow hats.  I isolated this drawing and colored it in a very simple way.  I definitely see a style emerging in my works from then and now and I like how this pic captures the motion of a man in the field chopping down vegetation at the corner of a field.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Couple of New Pictures

This one is extremely minimalistic but it continues in my style of sketching, inking, and coloring.  I call it 'Dusty' because that was the nickname of my favorite and most influential musician, Robert Johnson.

This one is called 'Food' or rather, 'Food comes from the Earth.' It also has a tangible style that is just my own.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

A glance at my artistic development

This simplistic, somewhat abstract drawing is loosely based on 'Promenade' by August Macke.

This is an original sketch on a uniform green background I call, 'Man and Dog.'  It is really more like a character design of a caveman with his dog. There's not much detail in the solid color background, but this work is more like an idea caught in a jpg and not a finished work.