Friday, September 24, 2021

Ruminations on Coins

 Money is the only man made value.  Commodities like oil, silver, gold, pork bellies, and oranges have innate value.  But money is printed by the government and has universal value.

America started out as a Portuguese colony to find exotic vegetables and such and ended a place where people fight over ideas and don't feel they are getting what they are worth.

There were many conquering, sailing nations in Western Europe.

Making a living is about budgeting.  Don't spend everything you have in one payment period.  Think in terms of 1, 3, 7, 21 and so on.  This helps you enjoy the present in moderation but have enough for emergencies and a bit saved up before the next payment period.

I have learned a lot over my time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

In The Spirit

 The best idea in native american thought and mythology is the concept of the spirit animal.  Each person has a face that resembles the animal they are most like in personality.  Form follows function, and form creates function.  The way we are shaped will determine the way our bodies can move.  The face indicates what type of man or woman you are.

I believe I am a wolf.  My features resemble that of a canine.  And not only do I have the long nose, round eyes, dark eyebrows, and clever mouth of a canine, some of my personality traits are similar to wolf traits as well.  Wolves are not all bad.  Some are noble predators, skillful hunters, and tender fathers.

A person has five limbs and a person also has five spirit animals.  But one animal always predominates.  So my prevailing trait is, I am voracious at spiritual seeking.  A wolf has a strong appetite, and spirituality is what I think about the most.  I lead such a spiritual life that the beliefs have become subconscious.

I reflect on myself today, and think how in my different pursuits, I embody different traits.  But when it comes to spirituality, I have an endless appetite for books, people, and experiences.

So it's been a hard summer and I've grown a lot.  I feel one part of my life is over and other has begun.  40 is the midpoint in life.  People who live to 100 are special.  So I know I have more time on earth.

I was explaining today to a friend that between to mountains is a valley, and when you reach the valley and start going up the second mountain, that is the most exciting phase of the journey.  You are done with the fun part, you've been through the trial, and now everything is uphill and towards the sky.  The sky is the goal.

So I am in the spirit and I know who I am.