Monday, July 5, 2021

Growing Up

 When we are young, we are inundated with ideas from the media about what we will be when we are done growing up.  It is hard to be sober when youthful exuberance is flowing through your veins and there is pressure from your friends as well as what you see on television.

When I was young, I liked playing guitar as well as martial arts.  UFC came out right when I was a sophmore in high school.  I liked music and how women respond to the sound of my guitar, but I also liked winning and feeling vindicated.  

I chose to focus on martial arts not thinking much about the future.  It was fun to win, but I didn't realize there would be life after sport.  My music only came out years after I stopped playing judo, and the music wasn't pushed through and marketed well because I had spent most of my time amongst athletes not in the entertainment industry.  My music was good between 2017 and 2019.  And then it began fizzling out.  

So I can say I forgot music in favor of judo and grappling.  That was a mistake.  But at least I have graphic design, or advertising art, to help me through this second phase of life.  Going to work may not be as exciting as being a rockstar, but it pays the bills. 

So I guess everyone on some level gets more mature with time and disillusioned with the idea of stardom.  I missed out.  But at least I still have something.