Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Winter Blah

 Life on earth moves through cycles.  There are four seasons where I am from.  And winter is the hardest to get through.  Weather really does make a difference.

Sky Blue

In nature, couples often mate only in season.  Humans are supposed to have a feast and make love around the Harvest Moon, or Halloween.  The child gestates during the winter and is born during the summer.  Late children are often precocious and wise, and too late children have defects and sometimes are born too large.  Emulating nature is important.

I love the summer.  It is so brief, and yet, it is so memorable.  And sometimes it lasts into September or October.  Halloween is originally a celebration of the end of the summer.  And Celtic themes abound through my art and writings.

Art is important.  I have taken some time off from art but now I am back.  Looking back on my career, art and blogging is more important than music and judo.  I think about my life a lot and what I have accomplished.  Every teenager likes wrestling, rock n roll, pizza, and dating.  And then you got to get a job skill in college and move on.  So I am moving on.

In the future, my art will move and change and grow.  I want to explore Chinese themes and nature themes and deal with Christian subjects.  I remember how my art began with one-layer designs with crude white outlines, then moved to black and white line art, and then finally became bright comics based on Photoshop coloring techniques I learned from Kurt Michael Russell and his videos.

I want to visit a fourth stage.  And I want to think about selling more artworks in the future.  So keep an eye on this blog for more posts.